Every professional should follow their space, right? That used to mean reading articles, going to seminars and talking with right people. You still do that. However as more and more content is now online, it also means reading blog posts and ebooks, watching videos and webinars, listening podcasts and following influencers on social media.
Sharing good stuff used to be difficult, however it is now often just one or two click away. You can share online content by clicking that Share-button and offline, or real life as some call it, it can often be shared with two: take a photo with first click and share it with second.
Collecting and sharing content is called Content Curation
The process of collecting and sharing information is called Content Curation.
Content Curation may sounds like an advanced tactic best left for marketers and social media specialists. Not so. It is for everyone.
Marketers and social media specialists are experts in their field, and if that's not your...