Posts in August 2021

How to get and use reviews for your SaaS-software? Podcast with Dylan Woodham, Gartner Digital Markets

Friday, August 13, 2021

Is your software any good? And is it right for us?

When selling enterprise software, such as SaaS-products, customers are looking for social proof that the product is any good and fits their needs. They want to know what others are saying about it, and whether the others are similar and are using the product to solve similar needs.

The same buyers and decision makers have accustomed to look for ratings and reviews when online shopping and are expecting the same also in business context.

Ratings and Reviews are thus essential for showing social proof: that you have customers, that your product is any good, and that the customers are using it in similar cases.

How to get and use reviews for your SaaS-product, a podcast with Dylan Woodham, Gartner Digital Markets

In this podcast episode, I have the honor to get Dylan Woodham from Gartner Digital Markets to discuss with me about customer reviews: how to get them, what to ask and e.g. should you fear bad reviews.