Customer Acquisition is easy if you only count the initial sale. Think dating. Finding one night stands is easy. But getting someone who has wife or husband potential is difficult. Same goes with loyal customers. They are likely to commit for life, so they do not enter one-night-stands or try new vendors easily. And think how you would progress with a future wife or husband? Obviously slowly. And one-night-stand? Quickly. Now you got it, right? Track customer lifetime value and optimize your acquisition efforts against that, not just initial conversion.
Offers and discounts attract price sensitives
When you acquire customers with offers and discounts, what kind of customers are you likely to get? Price sensitive ones. People and companies who value big discounts and special offers. Customers who are more attracted by the saving itself rather than the actual product.
What are your changes to upsell or build long time relationship with someone who is always looking for a better...