Loyal customers are wife or husband material

Friday, October 23, 2015

Customer Acquisition is easy if you only count the initial sale. Think dating. Finding one night stands is easy. But getting someone who has wife or husband potential is difficult. Same goes with loyal customers. They are likely to commit for life, so they do not enter one-night-stands or try new vendors easily. And think how you would progress with a future wife or husband? Obviously slowly. And one-night-stand? Quickly. Now you got it, right? Track customer lifetime value and optimize your acquisition efforts against that, not just initial conversion.


Offers and discounts attract price sensitives

When you acquire customers with offers and discounts, what kind of customers are you likely to get? Price sensitive ones. People and companies who value big discounts and special offers. Customers who are more attracted by the saving itself rather than the actual product.

What are your changes to upsell or build long time relationship with someone who is always looking for a better...

Location, Location, Location... NO!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

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Location used to be the defining success factor in retail, and in many other businesses. Yes, even in most B2B. Location as a constraint has shaped industries during the last century and protected local business from competition. However, the internet and other technology innovations have eroded location’s meaning. In many businesses, the game is shaped like it is, not because location is still shaping it, but because it had previously shaped the game that way.

Let’s investigate... 

Location (delivery) 

Products and services need to be delivered in order to be consumed. Delivery used to be expensive, so most businesses were close to their customers. Since customers are scattered across countries and cities, businesses had to open premises, offices, warehouses, shops and delivery centers where they wanted to do business. Expansion was slow and expensive, especially across country borders. This protected local businesses from competition. It was cheaper to deliver to shops and let...

19 Best Content for Lead Generation

Friday, January 9, 2015

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You have read all the posts about content marketing, and perhaps blogged already. You might have buzz in your social media accounts and traffic on your blog, but talking about more traffic, increased brand recognition or building thought leadership might start to fade of. You, and your boss, are expecting some real results, and not just marketing BS with metrics that doesn’t matter. You need to show leads.

Social media or blogging itself does not bring you leads. They bring traffic. To turn traffic into leads, you need a hook and a bait. You need valuable content as a bait, and a lead capture form as a hook.

Social media or blogging itself does not bring you leads. They bring traffic. To turn traffic into leads, you need a hook and a bait. You need valuable content as a bait, and a lead capture form as a hook. In order to get your valuable content, a customer must fill the form with e.g. name, email and phone number. This is the point, where a visitor turns into lead. And this is...

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