Posts in November 2018

Grow your business by following the top notch advice picked up at SaaStock18

Monday, November 19, 2018

We just got back a couple of weeks ago from SaaStock 2018 in Dublin, Ireland where we had a chance to listen dozens of keynotes from world's leading Software-as-a-Service leaders, thinkers, doers and financiers, and share thoughts with fellow entrepreneurs, marketers and CTOs.

SaaStock here we come

Should you be interested, if SaaS is not your line of business? Very much so. If you want to see the future of B2B sales, marketing and growth, there it is.

If SaaS is your line of business, you can skip straight into what were the key take-aways, was it worth it, and are we going back in 2019? 

SaaS business is years ahead of other businesses in sales, marketing and growth

For the last 20 years, I have been working with leading companies in both B2C and B2B in sales and marketing: consulting, designing tech solutions etc. I have read over 500 business books, wrote over 200 blog posts about customer loyalty and worked with the best consultants, tech and agencies in that space.

Then a few years ago when we started building our own product, I wanted to learn everything I could about how to succeed in SaaS business.