Posts in February 2016

7 must-haves of a Minimum Viable Blog [CHECKLIST]

Monday, February 1, 2016

Minimum Viable Blog..jpg

You might have read about our The Company Blog Success Formula and are wondering where to start and what to get right first. Well, the answer is just few lines ahead. Roll up your sleeves and fix these first to get to the Minimum Viable Blog level. Minimum Viable Blog level is reached when it has all the very basic elements of the Company Blog Success Formula in place for the launch.

1. Premium Content. One piece of premium content (such as an ebook): To get results, that is, to get leads, you need to have one piece of premium content, such as an ebook, guide or a template. For further ideas, check

2. At least 5 blog posts. There is no point of launching a blog with just one post and then run out of posts next week. Write 5 blog posts before launching. Then publish them one at the time, promoting each as you go along. In the coming weeks you should be concentrating on promotion and audience, not creation. You can even schedule posts in advance.

3. image in each blog post. A post without a relevant image is a half of a blog post. It is read and shared half that much as one with a relevant image. Or to say it in Jeff Bulla’s words: Posts with images get 94% more views.  Canva is a great tool for creating images.

4. Submit your blog to Google. Search engines do not find your blog unless you provide a path there. Links are such a way, but still submit your blog to Google to get indexed immediately.
